Tag: Diapsida

Tuebingosaurus maierfritzorum is attacked by the rauisuchian Teratosaurus suevicus. In the background is a herd of Plateosaurus engelhardti.

Acrylic and oil paint on canvas, 2021

40 x 30 cm

Commissioned by the faculty for geoscience at the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen

Published in: O. R. Regalado Fernandez, I. Werneburg: A new massopodan sauropodomorph from Trossingen Formation (Germany) hidden as ‘Plateosaurus’ for 100 years in the historical Tübingen collection. Vertebrate Zoology 27, S. 771-822 (2022): A new massopodan sauropodomorph from Trossingen Formation (Germany) hidden as ‘ Plateosaurus’ for 100 years in the historical Tübingen  (arphahub.com)

Cyamodus kuhnschnyderi (Placodontia) & Pemphix sueuri (Crustacea); Middle Triassic, Europe

Ink, 2019

42 x 29,5 cm

Private commission

Campylognathoides liasicus (Campylognathoididae) & Peloneustes philarchus (Pliosauroidea), Middle JurassicEurope

Pencil, 2017

29,5 x 21 cm


Eudimorphodon ranzii (Campylognathoididae), Late Triassic, Europe

Pencil, 2017

29,5 x 21 cm

Eurhinosaurus longirostris (Ichthyosauria), Early Jurassic, Europe

Pencil, 2016

40 x 29,5 cm

Art & Vielfalt – Impressionen aus der Tierwelt, 2016, Museum für Naturkunde Magdeburg

Psephoderma alpinum (Placodontia), Late Triassic, Europe

Coloured pencil, 2015/16

70 x 50 cm

Art & Vielfalt – Impressionen aus der Tierwelt, 2016, Museum für Naturkunde Magdeburg

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