Category: plants & landscape

Sweet oranges (Citrus x sinensis)

Mixed media, 2019

32 x 24 cm

Peaches (Prunus persica)

Mixed media, 2019

32 x 24 cm

Red table grapes (Vitis vinifera vinifera)

Mixed media, 2019

32 x 24 cm

White table grapes (Vitis vinifera vinifera)

Mixed media, 2019

32 x 24 cm

Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)

Watecolor, 2019

30 x 24 cm

Apples (Malus domestica)

Mixed media, 2019

32 x 24 cm

Monk’s-hood (Aconitum napellus)

Oil paint on canvas, 2020

40 x 30 cm

The picture originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

Hibiscus sp. (Malvaceae)

Acrylic & oil paint on canvas, 2019

30 x 24 cm

Private commission

Scheuchzer’s bellflower (Campanula scheuchzeri), Asterales

Oil paint on paper, 2018

32 x 24 cm

The picture originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

Rusty-leaved alpenrose (Rhododendron ferrugineum)

Oil paint on paper, 2018

40 x 30 cm

The picture originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

Plants of the alpine zone: yarrow (Achillea sp.) & alpine juniper (Juniperus communis var. saxatilis)

Ink, 2018

The studies originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

Zugspitze, view from southwest

Pencil, 2018

29,5 x 21 cm

The picture originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

Alpine landscape

Oil paint on paper, 2018

32 x 24 cm

The picture originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

Mountain ridge

Oil paint on paper, 2018

40 x 30 cm

The picture originated during the symposium “Kunst am Berg”, Panoramarestaurant BergDiamant Fiss/Austria.

La Gardiole

Oil paint on paper, 2017

32 x 24 cm

The picture originated during an educational jurney to the South of France.

Partly desiccated salt lake at the Frontignan-Plage

Oil paint on paper, 2017

32 x 24 cm

The picture originated during an educational jurney to the South of France.

Branch of the European olive (Olea europaea), Lamiales

Watercolour, 2017

32 x 24 cm

The picture originated during an educational jurney to the South of France.

Ash-leaved maple (Acer negundo), Sapindaceae

Watercolour, 2017

32 x 24 cm

The picture originated during an educational jurney to the South of France.

Dyer’s woad (Isatis tinctoria), Brassicaceae

Watercolor, 2017

48 x 34 cm

Illustration for an information board about dyeing plants

For the Saxon workcamp in Görlitz

Himalayan indigo (Indigofera heterantha), Faboideae

Colored pencil, 2017

29,5 x 21 cm

Illustration for an information board about dyeing plants

For the Saxon workcamp in Görlitz

Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), Anthemideae

Colored pencil, 2017

32 x 24 cm

Illustration for an information board about dyeing plants

For the Saxon workcamp in Görlitz

Aeonium undulatum, Crassulaceae

Oil paint on paper, 2017

48 x 34 cm

Euphorbia obesa, a southern African species of spurge

Watercolor, 2017

48 x 34 cm


Acrylic paint on canvas, 2016/17

40 x 40 cm

Riverbank of the Elbe across from Altkaditz

Acrylic paint on paper, 2016

32 x 24 cm


Spruces in mountains (Picea abies), Pinaceae

Pencil, 2016

29,5 x 21 cm

Sketch of a young Colorado fir, also known as silver fir (Abies concolor), Pinaceae

Pencil, 2015

Ginkgo leaves (Ginkgo biloba), Ginkgoales

Pencil, 2016

29,5 x 21 cm

Hollwroot (Corydalis cava), Papaveraceae, from left above to right below: cross-section through root tuber; root tuber from outside; seeds; greenery; husk-like capsule; florescence

Pencil, 2016

59,5 x 42 cm


Rhododendron sp. (Ericaceae)

Pencil, 2016

42 x 29,5 cm


Pencil, 2012

42 x 29,5 cm

Abschied von Marcus Burkhardt

Alles was schön ist, bleibt auch schön,
auch wenn es welkt.
Und unsere Liebe bleibt Liebe,
auch wenn wir sterben.
Maxim Gorki

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