Mountain anoa (Bubalus quarlesi)
Pencil, 2020
29,5 x 21 cm
Mountain anoa (Bubalus quarlesi)
Pencil, 2020
29,5 x 21 cm
Eurasian Aurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius) with cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis)
Oil paint on paper, 2018
40 x 30 cm
Saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis)
Oil paint on paper, 2020
30 x 24 cm
Animals of Pleistocene Europe: Eurasian auerochs (Bos primigenius primigenius), woolly rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) & giant deer (Megaloceros giganteus)
Acrylic & oil paint on paper, 2020
42 x 29,5 cm
Commissioned work for the Project “Geolehrpfad Holzkirchen”
Wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee)
Oil paint on canvas, 2020
30 x 24 cm
Wild Yak (Bos mutus)
Coloured pencil, 2020
29,5 x 21 cm
Java Banteng (Bos javanicus javanicus)
Watercolour, 2020
32 x 24 cm
Kouprey (Bos sauveli)
The Kouprey is a wild cattle native to Southeast Asia, which was first discovered in 1937 by western science and was not seen since 1983. It is now thought to be probably extinct. Its large dewlap reaching nearly the ground is imposing.
Oil paint on panel, 2020
40 x 30 cm
American lions (Panthera atrox) & steppe bison (Bos priscus), Late Pleistocene, North America
Ink, 2017
42 x 29,5 cm
Eurasian aurochs (Bos primigenius primigenius) in front of a settlement of the Bandkeramik culture. The aurochs is a wild cattle that became extinct in 1627 and is the ancestor of our domestic cattle.
Coloured pencil, 2015
42 x 29,5 cm
Sachsens Geschichte unterm Acker – Landwirte schützen Denkmale, 2015, Sächsischer Landtag